A Pt slice acting as the counter electrode and a standard Ag/AgCl reference electrode (containing saturated KCl solution) were used for the PEC measurements. The water splitting process in PEC cell was schematically illustrated in (Additional file 1: Figure S1). Results and discussion The morphology of the Sn/TiO2 nanorods synthesized under different conditions was depicted in Figure 1. Here, Figure 1a,d shows the top view and
side view of the nanorods that FRAX597 molecular weight were synthesized at 150°C for 18 h, Figure 1b,e shows the nanorods synthesized at 180°C for 6 h, and Figure 1c,f shows the nanorods synthesized at 180°C for 4 h, respectively. It Anlotinib in vitro reveals that the diameters of the nanorods are about 200, 100, and 80 nm, accordingly, each nanorod consisting of a bundle of thinner nanorods with rectangular top facets. The side view confirms that all the nanorods were grown almost perpendicularly to the FTO substrates, and the average length of the nanorods is 2.1, 2.1, and 1.5 μm, respectively. In order to optimize the surface area-to-volume ratio for PEC water splitting, and enhance the comparability between the nanorods with and without Sn doping, the reaction conditions for median Sn/TiO2 nanorods density (Figure 1b,e) were selected for all the remaining experiments in this paper. A wide range of precursor molar ratios (SnCl4/TBOT = 0% to 3%) in the initial reactant
mixture were used for Sn doping, and almost no noticeable morphology change was observed, except that when the molar ratio reached to 8% the difference turned out to be obvious, as shown in (Additional file 1: Figure S2). Figure 1 SEM images of the nanorods synthesized under different conditions. (a) buy NCT-501 and (d) at 150°C for 18 h; (b) and (e) at 180°C for 6 h; (c) and (f) at 180°C for 4 h. Figure 2 displays the TEM images and SAED pattern of a typical Sn/TiO2 NR. Although the nanorods detached from the FTO substrate have cracked as shown in the inset of Figure 2a, we can clearly find out that the diameter is about 100 nm, consistent with that measured by SEM in
Figure 1b. The image of the nanorod tip confirms that each individual nanorod indeed consists of a bundle of thinner nanorods, with the diameters next about 10 to 20 nm. The high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) image collected from the edge of the nanorods reveals that the typical Sn/TiO2 NR has a single crystalline structure with the interplanar spacings of 0.32 nm and 0.29 nm, in accordance with the d-spacings of (110) and (001) planes of rutile TiO2, respectively. These results indicate that the Sn/TiO2 NR grows along the <001 > direction. The sharp SAED pattern as shown in the inset of Figure 2b further confirms that the Sn/TiO2 NR is a single crystalline rutile structure. Figure 2 TEM images and SAED pattern. (a) TEM image of the tip of a typical Sn/TiO2 NR shown in the inset, (b) HRTEM image of edge of the nanorod, where the inset is SAED pattern of the nanorod.