a Section of a superficial ascoma The peridium comprises two lay

a Section of a superficial ascoma. The peridium comprises two layers. b, c Squash mounts showing asci with wide pseudoparaphyses. The asci are cylindro-clavate

with very short pedicels. d–f Hyaline multiseptate ascospores. Note the elongated appendage at the base (arrow head). Scale bars: a, b =100 μm, c = 50 μm, d–f = 10 μm Ascomata 180–270 μm high × 250–340 μm diam., scattered to gregarious, erumpent and eventually superficial, depressed globose to ovoid, black, ostiolate, epapillate, coriaceous (Fig. 32a). Peridium up to 35 μm wide, comprising two cell types, outer layer composed of thick-walled cells of textura this website angularis, up to 8 μm diam., cell wall up to 5 μm thick, inner layer composed of hyaline compressed cells, cells 12 × 3 μm diam., cell wall 1–1.5 μm thick (Fig. 32a). Hamathecium long and cellular pseudoparaphyses, 2–3 μm broad, septate, embedded in mucilage. Asci 115–130 × 23–31 μm, 8-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, broadly clavate to fusoid, with a short, thick RG-7388 research buy pedicel, 8–15 μm long, with an ocular chamber (to 5 μm wide × 3 μm high) (Fig. 32b and c). Ascospores 42–50 × 8–10 μm,

2–3 seriate, fusoid to somewhat clavate, hyaline, usually slightly curved, 6–8-septate, mostly 7-septate, slightly constricted at all septa, smooth-walled, surrounded by a thin mucilaginous sheath which is longer at the base (up to 20–30 μm) (Fig. 32d, e and f). Anamorph: none reported. Material examined: MEXICO, Nova Hispania, mangrove selleck products near Boca de Pascuales, saprobic on immersed intertidal mangrove wood, Mar. 1988, K.D. Hyde (BRIP 16972, holotype). Notes Morphology Falciformispora was formally established by Hyde (1992b) as a monotypic genus and was Endonuclease assigned to Pleosporaceae by comparing with Setosphaeria, but Setosphaeria has the anamorphic stage of Exserohilum and is exclusively parasitic on Gramineae unlike Falciformispora. The setae

on the ascomata of Setosphaeria could also serve as a distinguishing character from Falciformispora. Raja and Shearer (2008) also collected this species from freshwater in Florida. They considered that the species was more closely related to Chaetomastia than Setosphaeria, but that Falciformispora differed in having hyaline ascospores. Phylogenetic study Phylogenetic analyses in Schoch et al. (2009) and Suetrong et al. (2009) placed Falciformispora lignatilis in Trematosphaeriaceae in proximity to another marine species associated with mangroves, Halomassarina thalassiae. Concluding remarks Phylogenetic work confirmed that the saprobic habitat of Falciformispora is inconsistent with most other members of Pleosporaceae. The hyaline multi-septate ascospores with a mucilaginous sheath indicate affinities to Lophiostomataceae but this is not supported in DNA sequence comparisons. Carinispora is also similar and may be related. Hadrospora Boise, Mem. N. Y. bot. Gdn 49: 310 (1989). (?Phaeosphaeriaceae) Generic description Habitat terrestrial (or freshwater?), saprobic.

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