Furthermore, contamination of magnetic elements is a possible source of the observed FM in nonmagnetic AR-13324 materials, so it is important to rule out such possibility. In our case, first, XRD, HRTEM, and XPS results show no other phases and the possible impurities in the samples; second, the sensitivity
of M s values to the ultrasonic time seen above (Figure 4c), changing by almost ten orders of magnitude, may not be attributed to the possible contamination in the samples, especially when the MoS2 nanosheets were obtained by keeping all other parameters identical besides the sonication time. In addition, the ZFC curve for the sample having the maximum M s shows no blocking temperature in the range of 5 to 300 K, indicating that there is no ferromagnetic contamination in the eFT-508 supplier sample. Therefore, it is suggested that the observable FM in MoS2 nanosheets is not due to contaminants. Figure 6 FTIR patterns. FTIR patterns of the solution DMF, the pristine MoS2 powder, and the MoS2 nanosheets sonicated in DMF for 10 h. First-principle calculation results reveal the nonmagnetic properties for the infinitely single-layered MoS2, and the
FM in MoS2 nanoribbons is considered to be dominated by its zigzag edges [15, 16], In addition, the unit magnetic moment of MoS2 nanoribbons (magnetic moment per MoS2 molecular formula) decreases gradually with increasing ribbon width, implying that the magnetism of MoS2 nanoribbons gets weaker and weaker as the ribbon width increases
and disappears finally in the infinitely single-layered MoS2 and bulk. In Adenylyl cyclase our case, the size of the nanosheets decreases gradually with increasing ultrasonic time in the organic solvent DMF, and the enhancement of the FM for the nanosheets was also observed as the size decreases. This is because the magnetic behavior in MoS2 nanosheets results from the unsaturated edge atoms, and the ratio of edge atoms vs. total atoms increases dramatically as the size decreases. Therefore, the observed FM in MoS2 nanosheets is considered to be related to the Selleckchem AG-881 intrinsic morphology of the materials. Conclusion In summary, MoS2 nanosheets of different sizes were fabricated by exfoliation of bulk MoS2 in DMF solution. Magnetic measurements indicate that all the fabricated MoS2 nanosheets show obvious RT FM, and the enhanced FM was observed as the size of the nanosheets decreases. The intrinsic room-temperature FM for the samples is considered to be related to the presence of edge spins on the edges of the nanosheets. Acknowledgments This work is supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2012CB933101), NSFC (Grant Nos. 11034004 and 51202101), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. lzujbky-2012-28), and the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education. References 1.