One measure of trial-to-trial covariation between neuronal signals and choice behavior is choice probability (Britten et al., 1996), which quantifies the probability that an ideal observer of the neuron’s firing rate would correctly predict the
choice of the subject. We computed the choice probability for firing rates of delay period cells. For each cell, we focused on the last 400 ms of the delay period, using only memory trials in which the instruction was to orient to the cell’s preferred side. Consistent Luminespib datasheet with the SSI delay period analysis, we found that an ideal observer would, on average, correctly predict the rat’s side port choice 64% of the time. The cell population is strongly skewed above the chance prediction value of 0.5, with 75% of cells having a choice probability value above 0.5 (Figure 4F). Twenty-seven percent of cells had choice probability values that were,
individually, significantly Quisinostat above chance (permutation text, p < 0.05). We used red and blue LEDs, placed on the tetrode recording drive headstages of the electrode-implanted rats, to perform video tracking of the rats' head location and orientation (Neuralynx; MT). Two thirds of the delay period neurons (53/89) were recorded in sessions in which head tracking data was also obtained. Figure 5A shows an example of head angular velocity data for left memory trials in one of the sessions, aligned to the time of the Go signal. There is significant
trial-to-trial variability in the latency of the peak angular velocity as the animal responds to the Go signal and turns toward a side port to report below its choice. As shown in data from the example cells of Figure 3, and an example cell in Figure 5B, many neurons with delay period responses also fire strongly during the movement period, and the latency of each neuron’s movement period firing rate profile can vary significantly from trial to trial. To quantitatively estimate latencies on each trial, we used an iterative algorithm that finds, for each trial, the latency offset that would best align that trial with the average over all the other trials (Figures 5A and 5B; see Experimental Procedures for details). Firing rate latencies and head velocity latencies were estimated independently of each other using this algorithm. We then computed, for each neuron, the correlation between the two latency estimates (e.g., Figure 5C). We focused this analysis on correct contralateral memory trials of delay period neurons (as in Riehle and Requin, 1993). Of 53 delay period cells analyzed, 23 of them (43%) showed significant trial-by-trial correlations between neural and behavioral latency (Figure 5D). Furthermore, as a population, the 53 cells were significantly shifted toward positive correlations (mean ± SE, 0.36 ± 0.05, t test p < 10−8).