Recent theoretical work has suggested that immunopathology-induce

Recent theoretical work has suggested that immunopathology-induced disruption of the covariation between parasite density and host damage does not necessarily invalidate the trade-off model of parasite virulence, but it can substantially alter the evolutionary outcome [16-19]. Indeed, if immunopathology damage is an increasing function of parasite multiplication (the more the antigenic stimulus, the stronger the immune response), then parasites are predicted to evolve towards lower virulence because highly multiplicative strains will pay the cost of direct host damage plus the immunopathology-induced Daporinad cost. On the contrary, if immunopathology arises independently of parasite multiplication

(a starting signal is enough to

trigger immunopathology), then we expect parasites to become nastier because any prudent (slowly reproducing) parasite would nevertheless pay the immunopathology cost. Subsequent theoretical work has refined these predictions, showing that an additional important factor affecting the evolutionary outcome is how disease selleck severity is measured [19]. The task of the immune system is not necessarily to clear the infection. In many cases, it might be more rewarding to coexist with the parasite instead of declaring the war. Even though the two terms refer to different processes, infection tolerance and immunological tolerance do overlap to a certain extent [20]. As mentioned above, infection tolerance involves a wide array of mechanisms, including the down-regulation of many effectors that confer immunological tolerance (a nonresponsive immune system even when an antigenic stimulus is present). As for most immunological pathways, immunological tolerance involves different redundant mechanisms. Central tolerance operates during the negative selection of T cells with a very high affinity to self-MHC molecules occurring in the thymus; peripheral tolerance arises when self-reactive cells that have escaped the negative

selection are anergized or suppressed by regulatory T cells [21]. Anti-inflammatory cytokines produced by macrophages and regulatory T cells PD-1 antibody inhibitor also play a prominent role during the resolution of an inflammatory response and are essential components of organismal homoeostasis during an infectious insult [22]. Immunological tolerance is a mechanism that controls and prevents immunopathology. Tolerant hosts, thus, may pay a minimal cost of infection because they are protected by the immunopathology cost. Again this is likely to have substantial fitness consequences for the parasites and drive their evolution. For instance, when tolerance is due to a down-regulated immune response, parasites are freed from the selection induced by the host immune system that breaks down the antagonistic co-evolutionary interactions between the hosts and the parasites.

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