The cluster encoding lysis related proteins (ORF13 to ORF16) and the phage tail fiber protein (ORF21) shared lower degrees of identity, while ORF22 (hypothetical protein) shared no appreciable homology. The very recently reported P2-like phage remnant in S. maltophilia strain P28 possesses 23 orfs [11], nine of the deduced proteins share 31% to 53% identities with the Smp131 encoded proteins (Additional file 6: Table S3). Smp131 late genes may be regulated in a manner similar to that in P2 P2 has four late promoters, PP, PO, PV, and PF, possessing the consensus sequence TGT-N12-ACA and
controlling PQ, ONMLKRS, VWJIHG, and F I F II EE’TUD operons, respectively [36, 37]. Transcription of these operons depends on the Ogr protein, a zinc-finger containing transcriptional activator with a conserved RAD001 cysteine
motif, CX2CX22CX4C, where a zinc atom coordinates with four cysteine residues [38, 39]. In Smp131, four putative late promoters were observed with sequences similar to TGT-N12-ACA, which were designated as PP’, PO’, PJ’, and PV’ located at nt 4398–4381, 4381–4398, 10,964-10,981, and 14,928-14,946 in the genome, respectively (Figure 3). Operons presumably controlled by PP’ and PO’ were analogous to those by P2 PP and PO, respectively, but those by PJ’ and PV’ had some exchanged members due to gene rearrangement, that is, VWJIHG and F I F II EE’TUD in P2 versus orf19-orf22 (homologous to JIHG) and orf23-orf32 in Smp131 (Figure 3). Additionally, the protein encoded by Smp131 orf34, which had a relative position 7-Cl-O-Nec1 purchase similar to that of the P2 Ogr gene, had a conserved CX2CX22CX4C motif, although overall similarity shared by the two proteins was low. Thus, similarity in genome organization, promoter
sequence, and a regulatory protein suggests that Smp131 late genes are regulated in a manner similar to that in P2. tRNA genes are the selleck chemicals preferred sites for integration of P2-like prophages of Xanthomonas and Stenotrophomonas It is known that in E. coli i) P2 can integrate at over 10 different loci, with locI (attB site containing the core sequence, 5′-AAAAAATAAGCCCGTGTAAGGGAGATT-3′, which is identical to the attP sequence) being preferred over any other sites in E. coli C, ii) this Niclosamide site is occupied by a remnant of a P2 prophage in E. coli K-12 and P2 therefore will integrate into secondary sites, and iii) the P2 integrase accepts at least up to 37% mismatches within the core sequence [40]. Searching for a region similar to the P2 attP site in Smp131 genome revealed no such region. We then turned to identify putative attR and attL at the ends of prophage sequences from Stenotrophomonas and Xanthomonas and observed a 46-nucleotide perfect direct repeat at the extremities of the integrated prophage of S.