The platform has been tested with home-based rehabilitation and e

The platform has been tested with home-based rehabilitation and education programs for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and diabetes. As part of our work, a risk assessment of privacy and security aspects has been performed, to reveal 8-Bromo-cAMP actual risks and to ensure adequate information security in this technical platform.\n\nMethods: Risk assessment was performed in an iterative manner during the development process. Thus, security solutions have been incorporated into the design from an early stage instead of being included as an add-on to a nearly completed system. We have adapted existing risk management methods to our own environment, thus creating

our own method. Our method conforms to ISO’s standard for information security risk management.\n\nResults: A total of approximately 50 threats and possible unwanted incidents were identified and analysed. Among the threats to the four information security aspects: confidentiality, integrity, availability, and quality; confidentiality threats were identified as most serious, with one threat given an unacceptable level of High risk. This is because health-related personal information is regarded as sensitive. Availability threats were analysed as low risk, as the aim of the home programmes is to provide education and rehabilitation services; not for use in acute situations or for continuous health monitoring.\n\nConclusions: Most of the identified threats are

applicable for healthcare services intended for patients or citizens in their selleck kinase inhibitor own homes. Confidentiality risks in home are different from in a more controlled environment such as a hospital; and electronic equipment located in private homes and communicating via Internet, is more exposed to unauthorised access. By implementing the proposed measures, it has been possible to design a home-based service which ensures the necessary level of information security and privacy.”
“The self-assembly Selleck Staurosporine of head-tail type block copolymers composed of polyamidoamine dendron head block and poly(L-lysine) (PLL) tail block was studied using a light scattering technique and transmission electron microscopy. A PLL tail block in

a head-tail type block copolymer exhibits a coil-to-helix transition as a result of the change in solvent quality from water to methanol. When the PLL tail block takes a helical conformation in high methanol content, the resulting head-tail type block copolymer has a defined three-dimensional structure like that of a protein molecule. Self-assemblies of such block copolymers having a totally fixed molecular shape spontaneously form polymersome-like self-assemblies with an extremely narrow size distribution through converging to a thermodynamically stable assembling state. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polyrn Sci Part A: Polym Chem 47: 1217-1223, 2009″
“High temperature steam electrolysis (HTSE) is one of the most promising ways for hydrogen mass production.

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