6%) patients developed recurrent back pain, 20 (11.8%) recurrent leg pain, and 5 (3%) recurrent synovial cysts. Patients undergoing laminectomy had a significantly increased cyst recurrence incidence compared to fusion groups via log-rank test (P = 0.042), and this risk was decreased to baseline with instrumented fusion on re-operation. Laminectomy
was also associated with the highest increased risk of recurrent back pain in both log-rank test (P = 0.018) and proportional hazards regression (HR): 1.64 (1.00-3.45), P = 0.05. Instrumented fusion had the lowest risk for back VS-6063 manufacturer pain recurrence.
Conclusion. Hemilaminectomy or laminectomy remains one of the mainstay surgical treatments for symptomatic intraspinal selleck synovial cysts. Our experience shows that the majority of patients undergoing decompression/excision of synovial cysts will have immediate improvement in back and leg pain. However, within 2 years, patients receiving hemilaminectomy or laminectomy alone have an increased incidence of back pain and cyst recurrence. Decompression with instrumented fusion appears to be associated with the lowest incidences of cyst recurrence or back pain.”
“In the language of mathematics, one needs minimally
two interacting variables (two dimensions) to describe repeatable periodic behaviour, and in the language of density dependence, one needs delayed, not immediate, density dependence to produce cyclicity. Neither language specifies the causal mechanism. There are two major potential mechanisms: exogenous mechanisms involving species interactions as in predator-prey or host-parasite, and endogenous mechanisms such as maternal effects where population growth results from the cross-generational transmission of individual quality. The species Fludarabine inhibitor interactions view stemming from a major observation of Elton and a simultaneous independent theory by Lotka and Volterra is currently dominant. Most ecologists, when faced with cyclic phenomena, automatically look for an interacting species one step below or above in a food chain in order to find an explanation. Maternal effects hypothesis, verbally suggested in the 1950s, had only found its theoretical implementation
in the 1990s. In a relatively short time, the degree of acceptance of this view grew to the level of a ‘minority opinion’ as evidenced by the widely used textbook of Begon et al. This short review attempts to describe the arguments for and against this internal two-dimensional approach.”
“Background: We performed a meta-analysis to evaluate the value of F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography-computed tomography ((18)FDG PET-CT) for the detection of primary sites in patients with cervical nodal metastases of unknown origin.
Methods: Studies were systematically searched for relevant PET-CT original articles in the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases. We calculated the primary tumor detection rate, sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratios for (18)FDG PET-CT.